Master Mind v2.1 – MPL  door


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Welcome to DoREWARE Master Mind!  The object of the  game  is to try  and
guess the four digit combination the computer  has picked randomly.   You will
get 10 tries.  If you successfully guess the  number in 10 tries or less  YOU WIN!
Each time you enter a guess, the computer tells you how many digits out of the
four were in the right position. This will only work on 2.0 version of Mystic


HINT!  There are never more then one of each digit in a combination.  For
example 2556 or 6668.

Here are some features of Master Mind

  • win32/dos/*nix native versions
  • small cosmetic changes
  • will get you more chicks




    Master Mind history 2.1
    % internal comments
    + features added
    - features removed
    ! changes made/fixed
- + v2.00 + -
First public release
 - + v2.10 + -
! fixed duplicate text saying writing scores
+ you can now quit playing during game play with Q. no more 10 rounds
  thank you pequito for help with that function i did not know about ;)
! fixed extra pause before showing in mm-scores in screen
+ added bulletin to sysop menu via * to edit it directly.


Here are a few small screen captures.


You can download here –>