Mystic Page Suite MPL released

I have released my updated Mystic Page Suite that I released back for 1.08 days. this works for 1.12.  This uses code from sysop411 mpl but this will let you page the sysop after hours if you know the password and other stuff.  You can download this from my bbs or any DoRENET node (more…)

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Made a python mod for my bbs

it basically will read the top 4 topics you see here.  go on and from main menu type /A and then C and you will see the first 4 blog post here  on dreamland.

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Magic 8 Ball MPL released

I have released my first version of the Magic 8 Ball but in MPL version.  This has all the 20 answers the ball had but you can edit it or add your own in the mps file.